Next RandLAN is in -3023 Days

We are excited to announced that the RandLAN Revamped will be held in a new fantastic venue, the Masonic Hall in Wangaratta. With the new venue we welcome some new faces to the Admin team, Benjamin Creed as Event Manager and Bobby Scott coordinating Marketing and Promotion. This event will a combined PC and console event with Martin Tal heading the console free play events.

To book fill in the following form

Book Here now or Click here for the event page.

By registering you agree to the following Terms and Conditions

Online bookings closed. Walk in bookings still available at the event.

Current Bookings for RandLAN#34

Start: Midday Saturday 3rd of December
Finish: 10AM Sunday

Masonic Hall
101 Appin Street, Wangaratta

Early Bird: $20
On the Day: $30

Food and Drink
Please check back later for more info on catering.

We have a range of soft drinks and snacks available for sale at the event. Prices ranging from $1 to about $4
Bottled water for 75c


What to Bring.
For console gaming just yourself!
For PC gaming you will need to bring the following.
One PC + Monitor (Please have working Antivirus)
One power board
One Network cable (10m is recommended as we don’t know how far you will be from a switch)




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